Financing advice for German projects aborad in renewable energy and energy efficiency
BMWK - Energy Export Initiative
For export-interested companies, financing often is a major hurdle in the implementation of projects abroad. Therefore, the export initiative of the Federal Ministry of Economics offers a finance consulting service for selected countries. DFIC is one of the performing service providers.
German, primarily small and medium enterprises (SME) should be supported in their positioning in international markets in the various fields of activity related to renewable energy and energy efficiency. To this purpose they receive individual and country-specific advice on financial issues.
German SMEs were provided with country-specific financing short studies, lectures and personal advice and support in the following areas:
- Biomass and geothermal
- Off-grid solutions with renewable energies with focus on photovoltaics
- Biogas and biomass
- Bio-, solar and wind energy for small and medium-sized plants
- Solar Thermal
- Photovoltaic and small wind
- Industrial Energy Efficiency
- Etc.
The advice includes both export financing and project financing. Export insurance and risk protection mechanisms are also subjects of consultation.